Saturday, August 31, 2019


As much as I don't like being up before the sun I do enjoy a pretty sunrise.
This is taken out my back door. 

Husband noticed that some critter had been busy in our yard during then night.
This is behind the AC unit. It's pretty deep, at least as long as my arm. No! I did not put my hand in the hole to see how deep it is. I don't think it went anywhere other than down and over along the wall a little. Husband speculates it may have been a raccoon or dog digging for a gopher. He has filled it in now, but I hope no more critters decide to dig. 

Then I got busy working on this.
I sewed the center units together.
Then started working on the checkerboard units.
Isn't it pretty!

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Sunrise - haven't seen one in years - they are pretty but I am rarely up that early - LOL! Critter - hopefully found what it was looking for and won't be back! Your quilt is GORGEOUS - I predict that it will win "Best of Show" at next year's County Fair!! - ;))