Saturday, August 10, 2019

Playing Around

I have been trying to make more cards.
I realize I have a lot to learn and need a lot more practice.
The cards with windows are textured. 

I am not doing something right. I think I need to apply more pressure and wait a few seconds longer before lifting the stamp away from the paper. And not wiggle the stamp while it is on the paper.
I also need to get some stamps with smaller words. I experimented with stamping onto the cross stitch fabric. The ink didn't fill in some of the areas so I patted a small brush on the ink pad and dabbed it on the fabric. That worked ok, but I'm not sure I will stamp on fabric again. I assure you the ink pad says it is red, but it looks pink to me. 

These two turned out ok.

This one is too small for the window.
I will try to find some cute trim and attach it to a solid front card.

I fringed the fabric on this one. I like the way it looks, but I need to get better at stamping.
I used fusible web to apply this stitched piece to the card, but the heat of the iron is making the paper curl. I decided not to use double sided tape because I thought it would show through the fabric.

Then I got out my Christmas and novelty fabrics and played around with the 4-pane window cards.

 Some of them work better than others, but I think I should be able to make a nice variety of cards with these. Now I need more word stamps and PRACTICE.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Card making is something I have never tried - wish I had some tips to share - but I don't. I can see where some seem to work better than others - and that "red" ink looks "pink" to me, too. Have fun with your "practice" - I enjoy watching your progress - ;))