Saturday, August 3, 2019

Mo(u)rning Visitor

We have at least one pair of doves around our farm. As best I can tell they are mourning doves. I love to listen to the cooing sounds they make. This morning one was sitting on the ramp railing right outside my front door.
It looked like it was sleeping, but came to full attention when I opened the inside door.
Then about a minute later it was back to sleep.

I found this article listing some facts about doves. It's nice to know they eat weed seeds. 

Last evening I started on the bead work on the sunflower. 
It is slow going. Earlier my husband asked if I was finished with it yet. When I told him no, he responded that I must enjoy projects that take a long time to make!

While in the midst of cooking supper yesterday I decided to go through my file of recipes that I have been saving. 
Some of them were more than 10 years old, according to the date printed on the bottom of the page. Most of them I have not tried. I threw a lot away. Then I went back through them thinking a lot of them I could find on-line again if I wanted to try them and threw out even more. My goal is to try at least a couple of these recipes every week and keep the ones worth making again and toss the ones we don't like.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Haha - I have a magazine holder like that full of recipes that I printed out, too!! One of these days I really need to go through it like you did - thanks for the nudge - ;))