Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday, Monday

To see what other quilters are up to go to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

Yesterday I sewed. I am adding the small NYB units to the center star.
 And, because the colors just don't photograph correctly I tried a few different filters (my son showed me how!). But they still don't look right. The green in the above photo is the  closest to the actual color. The yellow is good, too. But, the other colors just aren't right. The purple shows too blue, and the blue isn't blue enough.

Today, I am working in my yard. Later I will be sewing. What I will NOT be doing is going to the Teacher Institute meeting and working on transportation for the students in the Kindergarten and Pre-K classes. Someone else will be doing that. 

Fall clean up has never happened at my house. Because school started before I ever got around to doing it and then the weekends were rainy or cold or both. But, today I am doing some cleanup in my yard. I know it isn't fall yet, but it was cool this morning so I thought I would get some work done. But, now it is hot and I am sweaty so I may be done for the day. And that is ok, because I can do more tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that. If I feel like. And, if I don't it can wait.

Here is what I saw around my yard today.
I don't know what these little purple flowers are, but I think they are so cute. Same flower, color is off.
The Hibiscus is still blooming. I love this plant.
I almost pulled this milkweed plant, but then I saw that Monarch caterpillar. It is right up by the house so I hope it stays there and does its thing to become a butterfly. 
A couple of years ago we had three chrysalises on the fence right by this area. It was fun to watch them.
The roses did not get very big this year, but they are blooming well.
Spiderwebs all over the yard.
Sunflowers are finally blooming.

Hope you have a happy day!


A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Your Circle of Life quilt is coming along nicely! I love your flowers - especially the hibiscus. And YAY for being retired - ;))

Christina said...

Your quilt is gorgeous! The colors are stunning and drew me in. I can not wait to see it finished!