Thursday, August 1, 2019

More Organizing and More Random

I have been working on organizing the sewing/guest room some more.
Although it's hard to tell from this picture!
I hadn't really gotten it as organized as I wanted when Son came to visit for the week of fair. In order to make room for him, and his dog (and the dog's crate) I pushed things into the closet, under the table and back against the wall and cabinets. Now I am trying to find things again and put things away so that I don't have to do that every time he comes to visit.

Plus, I have finished up some projects and unpacked from retreat. I have been stacking patterns and ideas at the end of the ironing board. They need to be sorted and filed. People give me their scraps so I have bags filled with tiny pieces of fabric along with fabrics from projects started and finished.

We play Quilt Bingo at retreat and I won two fat quarters! 

One is a purple mottled fabric with gold metallic dots. The other is 100% cotton but has a shimmery, shiny look. I think it would make a great dragon. I had looked at it several times. Finally, on the last day of retreat I Bingoed so I got to pick a prize. I picked up that fabric, again, and put it back down. I kept saying, "I love it, but don't know what I would do with it". One of the ladies said, "You keep looking at and touching that fabric. I think you really want it. You'll figure out something to do with it. Just get it!" So I did. :)

And, I was gifted this birthday bundle of batiks by the four girls that I go on outings with. 

I had missed the latest trip because I was baling hay. Isn't it nice they thought of me?!
But, I do have a list. And, while it appears that I haven't crossed many things off, I do keep adding to it. Also, I did cross off Find Mini Iron because I found it this morning. And, during the night I remembered where Gma's Flowergarden is, I think, hope, know. (I went to look as I wrote this. Went right to it.) Funny how things come to mind in the middle of the night. So to more items to mark off that list.
Son gave me a cube unit he no longer wanted. I got that put under the table and have started filling it. 
That allowed me to get rid of the old headboard (the tall thing with binders in it) that I had turn on end and was using for storage. With that and the black drawer unit gone there is more floor space. I was having to move them around all the time to get to other things anyway, so that is good. This is an old picture. All those boxes have been unpacked and the shelf has much more fabric on it!

I used up a tiny bit of pieced fabric patching a hole in my shorts.
The shorts aren't that old and haven't been worn much, but now they are even better than before! ha

And, I finished the second of these two quilts. They will go to their new homes this weekend.

This one for the young man.

This one for the young woman.

Both quilts together. 
I didn't intend for them to be different sizes, but there were more T-shirts for the young man had designs on the front AND back that were used.
They had a young cousin who passed away several years ago to leukemia. The family had a T-shirt made in his memory. It is included on both quilts.

Also, my garden is producing cucumbers. They are a mini variety, small but tasty.
I picked twelve yesterday. I know there are only eleven in the picture. I ate one before even getting it in the house. Yummy!

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