Tuesday, October 1, 2019


To see what other quilters are up to visit Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

Husband gave me my Christmas present early. He's been planning this for a little bit apparently. He said he had measured to make sure it would fit through the doorways and a spot in my sewing room.

I have started to fill it up. I'm sure I will rearrange things a few times before I get it 'just right'.

Then I came across some of my bonus HSTs that people have shared with me.
I started sorting them. I want to put them all into one quilt, but am not quite sure how to do that. They are different sizes and fabric styles and colors are quite varied. This is just one small bag of HSTs. I have many, many more.

I got to spend yesterday with Son and his GF. His dog loves him. 
I had a few things to take to them. She loves - LOVES - fall and Halloween. I had found some of my decorations that I decided I didn't need anymore. I had also found some Halloween lights for a great deal and knew she would love them. We went shopping, then got some lunch. It was a nice visit. Later I received this picture from them.
I knew she would love the lights. I'm pretty sure they got busy putting them up as soon as I left. 

Today I plan to get back to work on a quilt for the guy who manages the dealership where Husband gets his farm equipment. He owns an Indian motorcycle and recently went on a cross-country trip on it with a group. Husband thought I needed to make him a quilt.
There will be a matching pillow too.
It may not look like it, but I do have a plan. It was suppose to be a quick quilt. I ordered fabric about a month ago, but getting the fabric was a challenge with some delays and poor communication from one vendor, but I am on track now. The plan has changed a couple of times, but I am sticking with this plan and will finish piecing the top today. I hope to get it quilted in the next few days. 

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Nice Christmas present - it looks like it will hold a LOT and be VERY handy! Love the Halloween lights and your new quilt. Your HST remind me that I have some a friend sent me - I thought of cutting them in half again and sewing them back together to make Hourglass Blocks - but haven't done it yet - too many other Squirrels to chase - LOL - ;))