Monday, October 21, 2019

Suggestions Welcome

I have been on a quest to declutter my house. There is just too much stuff. Stuff we don't need or use has got to go.
I decided to go through my clothes and get rid of things I really don't like or don't wear for whatever reason. I keep track of hanging clothes by putting a hanger backwards.
Anything to the right of that has not been worn. Once an item is worn, laundered and put back in the closet it goes to the left of that backwards hanger. After a year, or season, anything still on the right hasn't been worn out it goes. I do something similar with clothing in drawers. I ended up with a trash bag of clothes that got donated today.
One thing I am hanging on to is this sweater.
 I love this sweater - the color, the Halloween scene, the spooky sequin eyes, the slightly sparkly yarn, the bats on the back, the fine yarn (not too hot). But it doesn't fit me anymore and I have given up hope of ever fitting back into it.
I am trying to figure out a way to remake it into something I could still wear.
Any suggestions?

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Your "system" with the backwards hanger is very clever - thanks for sharing! LOVE your sweater - the only thing I can think of is to slit the side seams and insert a "pleat" of sorts using black fabric to make it a bit larger - but I've never done it - so I'm not sure it would work - ;))