Monday, October 7, 2019

Half Way There

I quilted to the center of this quilt - half way done.
Then Husband decided to give it a try at combining beans so I decided to mow the yard, finish what he started on Saturday, but quit because it was just too wet.
It's a beautiful day here. Comfortable temperature, slight breeze, blue sky. I got the yard mowed and Husband is still in the field, which I take as a sign that things are going well. I probably won't see him until at least dark.

I apologize for my rant earlier. I will try to keep my posts more on the positive side. I know that there is not a thing I can do about my FIL except to be there if/when he needs me. He knows I am available.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Half way done - YAY!! Beautiful sky - and no need to apologize - it's good to let off steam now and then - ;))