Monday, October 14, 2019

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

To see what other quilters are up to go to
Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

EDIT: The gentleman who broke off the mailbox post did come this morning and talked with Husband. He said he didn't know what to do after hitting the post. Because he thought no one was home he left after looking at it. Then he said the post was rotten anyway as if that made it all ok. He did not offer to fix it or pay to fix it. 
The post is not rotten, it is broken.

First the good.
I finished up the bowl buddies for Son.
Then, I had a lovely shopping day and lunch with my quilty friends on Friday.
But, I was bad and added fabric to my stash. Most of it is designated for upcoming projects so I guess that isn't too bad.
This is a five yard bundle. I plan use it to make the Windmills quilt A Fab 5 Pattern by the Quilt Factory. If you do an internet search you will find it several places.
I added a light orange, light purple and two light greens to go with a bundle I already had. I have plans for these. I am just trying to decide between two patterns.

Here is that five yard bundle with a beautiful green batik FQ that I had to have because... well, it's green, my favorite color. The piece in back is a very light blue batik. I bought the remainder of the bolt because light batiks are sometimes hard to find and it was on sale at a great price. I have no definite plans for this one... yet.

I also bought this jacket pattern.
I got busy on it right away and almost have it finished, just need to hem it and add buttons. 
The bad part about this purchase is that I got the WRONG pattern. The shop had a few jackets made up on display and I thought I was getting the pattern for one of the other jackets. I didn't realize my mistake until I was half-way finished. I was thinking - these sleeves are different than the store model, the pockets are different, where are the gathers on the back? Then I realized - this is a different pattern! Rats.
But, I do like it and would like to get the other pattern, too. Problem is we are 1 1/2 hours away from the shop that I saw it at and I don't know the name of the pattern. I have sent an email explaining my situation and am hoping to hear back soon. In my defense the fronts of both jackets are the same, or very similar.
Anyway, here is my almost finished jacket that I am making as a blouse.
And, a close up so you can see the fabric better.
In real life, this fabric is more green, not as tan looking.

Now for the Ugly.
We had visitors from a local church on Sunday afternoon. We know this because they left church pamphlets in our door. Plus, Husband recognized the guy driving. We were each busy in other parts of the house and didn't get to the door in time, but saw them leaving. Then, we noticed this.
It has been windy here today. When I asked Husband if the wind could have been responsible he pointed to the tire track leading to the mailbox. That and the fact that we have had no other visitors today make us pretty sure that the church visitors are responsible.
There has been no communication from them to let us know what happened. I am saddened that there wasn't at least a note left with the church information or a phone call later. These are people from the area who know who we are, not just random people passing out information. I am thankful that no one was hurt and that they didn't take out the address post also. That would have resulted in vehicle damage, I think.

One last good thing, as Husband was fixing the post I noticed how lovely the moon looked this morning.
Hope you all have a good day with no bad and no ugly.

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