Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A Week In

and I find that the New Year is not quite going as I planned.

It hasn't been BAD, but I am not meeting my goals.

In my defense:
Jan 1st - drive to Son's so we could leave early the next morning for his GF's surgery.

Jan 2nd - surgery day. We stayed in a hotel, just in case, and I am so glad we did.

Jan 3rd - trip to ER when a slight complication arose. It was resolved and we were able to go back to Son's house later that evening.

Jan 4th - made sure GF was feeling well enough to not need me. She was so I came home that afternoon. I was tired but was unable to sleep when I tried to nap. I did get unpacked and started to get caught up on mail, e-mail, some household stuff.

Jan 5th - lunch with quilt friends. That was nice. Started laundry later that day and tried to finish getting caught up.

Jan 6th - went with Husband to sale barn with some cows. We stopped at the quilt shop in that town, but they were closed which was a little disappointing. When we got home I put up this cute artwork Son gave me for Christmas. 
I have used roosters to decorate my kitchen.

I made the quilt, but everything else has been gifted to me.

Jan. 7 - went quilt shop hopping with my little quilt tribe. We made it to three different shops, a fourth one was closed, had a nice lunch and ice cream on the way home. We had a great day. I didn't buy a lot. I think having just completed the inventory of my projects and kits helped me show a little restraint! This is what I added to my stash. I have plans for almost all of it.
This is a 5 yard bundle. It is flannel. Son's GS's brother (who is temporarily living with them) has hinted that he would like a quilt of his own. These seem perfect for a guy quilt.
A colorful jellyroll needed for a project I am thinking of, but didn't have enough fabrics in the the jellyroll I am planning to use. They aren't the same fabrics, but the colors will work together. Also, some Glide thread I want to try and a thimble. I keep searching for the one have because it is always with a different project.
A mottled blue flannel that I am hoping with work for the Snowmen applique project.
A couple of cute prints to make bandanas for Son's doggie. These work up very quickly. They also don't use much fabric so a bowl buddy or two might also get made with these fabrics.
Some half yard pieces. The top two will work as lights in the 365 Challenge and the bottom yellow will get added to the Civil War Repro stash. I have been thinking about a project - or two - for those.

Lastly, last nights sunset. I don't know why but the sunsets this time of year just seem so spectacular. I wish my photos showed the colors better.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

That's quite a good defense - and quite a nice selection of goodies from your little quilt trip. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make - ;))