Friday, June 19, 2020


I think I am just about to give up on growing a garden.

Yesterday morning there was this -
 There were five mini cucumbers left. 
I planted 10. 

Beans have been de-leafed.

This morning -
 More beans de-leafed.

Two decent cucumbers left. 
Two more that are basically just stems.
I'm sure it is the starlings.

Bird netting and more wire coverings have been ordered. The garden supply place called yesterday to inform us that these items will be shipped - wire coverings in July, bird netting in August. 
A little too late, I fear.

However, most of the flowers are doing well.

This Malva Zebrina did get chomped off, but has new growth. 

Either the rabbits will leave it alone or are waiting for it to grow a little bigger before they snack on it again.


The Hibiscus that the rabbits also dined on took a hit from the wind last week. 

The tallest stem was laying on the ground. It still is. I don't know how, but it surviving, so far.

Work on the Butterfly Baby Quilt continues.

I laid out the pieces to get an idea of what it will look like. 

GF is happy with the look.

I appliqued all the stems in place.

Then started with the sunflowers.

I am using Sulky and Star variegated threads. I am so thankful for my fabric AND thread stash!

I am usually not too excited to do machine applique. I like the look of it, but my needle gums up and I have lots of thread breakage. I use Steam-A-Seam 2. I read on a blog a while back (sorry, I can't remember which blog it was) that they use 'anti-glue' needles when doing applique with fusible web. So I ordered some and decided to use them.
The needle seems to get a little sticky after a while, but I am not having thread breaks.

I just got a call for more masks for an organization that provides residential treatment programs for children. They will be resuming home visits soon and need masks. So I will put the quilt aside for a few days and sew some masks.

Stay safe and well.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Sorry about your garden - the rabbits are cute but sure are destructive! Your butterfly quilt is looking GREAT - and thanks for the heads up on the "antiglue" needles - I had never heard of them - ;))