Wednesday, June 10, 2020

D#$%, D#$%, D#$%

This post has nothing to do with quilting, you can skip on by if you wish. 

I know there are people with much worse problems than mine and I really have no right to complain. I'm doing it anyway.The wind has been horrible, HORRIBLE, here the last few days. 

Something was eating the garden, the wind was hard on the garden. We made protection from things we had laying around - old window screens, poles, etc. It was letting sunlight and rain through.

Apparently I don't have a photo of that. 

This morning, this. D#$% wind!
It is all laying on the ground. There were several aluminum pie plates tied on in places to help prevent the birds from coming around. Gone.
At least two of them are in this field.

The first beans that were planted look like this. Bent and broken.

I replanted beans in the bed where the mini cukes disappeared from. One pie plate has survived the wind, so far.
The beans are coming up, but who knows if they will be able to withstand this wind (20mph with gusts in excess of 35mph today, worse yesterday). I suspect that pie plate will have disappeared by the end of the day.

Th plants in the front bed are kneeling down begging for mercy from the wind.
They will all survive this, but the poor peony and roses will probably have no petals left. D#$% wind!

The Hibiscus looked like this a few days ago.
It was doing well with several stems growing, except for the one the rabbits gnawed off. Now, it looks like this.
The tallest stem is broken.  

And speaking of rabbits. The Malva Zebrina was settling in nicely and looking good.
Today, not so much. Gone. D#$% rabbits.

On a bright note the Yellow Siberian Iris are blooming by the mailbox.
I hope they survive this wind.

Stay safe and well.

PS: I have not had any comments on my last five posts. It is perfectly ok if no one feels like commenting. It's just unusual. I had switched to the 'new Blogger' a couple of posts ago. I had been reading on other blogs that some people are experiencing difficulties so I thought I would try it out. I didn't seem to be having any problems except that I noticed there were no comments. I have switched back but I think at some point there won't be a choice. Anyone else having issues?

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

D#$% wind! When we get bad winds, we usually have FIRE to go with it - but it is destructive enough all by itself. I have been reading your posts - just not commenting lately - and I haven't tried the new BloGGer yet but I suppose I will have to soon enough - ;))