Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Wind!

I really don't mind the heat, or even the cold so much, but the wind! I just do not like the wind. A gently breeze, sure. But strong, gusty wind, no thank you. 

Every year I say I don't know why my flowers and plants even bother to come up. They do well for a bit, then the wind just beats them. Some do not survive.
When I am outside working in it I feel like I am fighting against it. It just makes me tired! So today I am staying inside. 

I've been busy. I have another project cut. The fabric is a 5 yard bundle. The pattern is Windmills. This time the background will be dark. The pinwheels will be pink and cream.

I have the binding attached to the gray and red Windmills. I will work on this during TV time this evening.

I have the parts and pieces gathered to load Sweet n' Sassy on the quilt frame. I think hearts will look nice on this quilt. I may get this loaded on the frame today.

Stay safe and well.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I agree about the wind! It's nice that you have fun stuff to play with while you stay inside - ;))