Thursday, June 25, 2020

My Day

Monday started out with normal household stuff - clean up after breakfast, check try to check email and other computer related activities, finish up face masks, check the garden.

We have been having issues with our internet for a while now. Again. It never seems to end. I made a call to our provider, they sent a guy out who made some adjustments and things were great the rest of the day. Then in the early evening our connection was dropping again. That continued for hours. 
This is soooo slow! It feels like the old dial-up speed. It takes pages forever to load.

This is better, but still not good.

This is more like it! This is good. This is what it was when I started this post. Now it is back down to 3.8 MBPS. Grrr.

While I was merrily sewing masks I got a call from Husband. He needed my help. He round baled some of the hay. He doesn't have the room to store it all inside so most of it gets stored outside. Through the wind, rain and winter weather. He is trying bale sleeves this year. They are a big plastic band that slides over the bale.
It is definitely a two person job. With one of us on each side of the bale we are able to slide the sleeves on. Then he moves it to a spot on the back side of the barn to be stored until needed this winter. We got sleeves on 6 bales and have 9 more to do.

EDIT: Things continued to worsen until we had no connection at all for many hours. I was unable to finish my post. Yesterday I called to report it. Turns out a storm had gone through the area where the tower we receive our signal from is located. Parts were ordered and by early afternoon today we have a good connection. 

I got 50 bigger, masculine masks mailed to Son's GF; 30 child and 40 teen/adult masks mailed to my mom's former employer on Tuesday. 

As I was driving to town I stopped and took a photo of this beautiful sky.

When I got home I took a walk around my yard.
These 'ditch' lilies are right out my front door. 
They make me smile.

These berries are right out my front door, too. They just appeared a few years ago. I fought them, digging them up, for a while, but then I decided they wanted to be there so I bought some trellises to help contain them a little. I noticed the birds are enjoying them even though they aren't ripe yet. There probably won't be any left for me to eat. That happened last year. 

Since I haven't had much any computer time I started a new project. I'll show more about that later. Then it is back to the baby quilt.

Since I wasn't able to get my post completed on Tuesday I had to finish it using the new blogger. I must be getting the hang of it or all the changes aren't out yet because I didn't seem to have much trouble. The buttons are moved around but I think I was able to figure it out. 

Stay safe and well.

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