Monday, June 29, 2020

I've Been Busy!

So have other quilters. 
To see what they have been up to go to 

After I finished the masks I decided I was going to finish up something for ME.

I had started this Zip Zip Bag from a kit from Connecting Threads several years ago, but never got around to finishing it. 

I decided now was a good time. Over the last several years I have gone from carrying a larger purse to a smaller cross-body purse. Sometimes I only take my wallet, especially in cooler weather when I am wearing a jacket/coat with pockets. I slip the wallet in a pocket so my hands are free. When the weather warmed up I didn't have a pocket big enough so I started using the cross-body purse again. As I have accompanied Husband to his medical appointments I end up holding onto his wallet, checkbook, reading glasses. That purse just isn't big enough to hold his things and mine. Time to finish this project.

It has three compartments. The one in the middle isn't very deep but works well for a small bottle of hand sanitizer, lip balm, etc. I added a D-ring at the top to clip my keys to. The strap is long enough my keys slip into the pocket.

It's bigger than I thought it would be but I am going to try it out for a while.  

Then I decided to make a new wallet. 

This one has four zipped compartments and co-ordinates with the Zip Zip Bag. 

The spaces between the zippered compartments form open compartments for even more storage. It was glued to a metal frame after construction. It is bigger than my other wallet but still small enough to fit into my jacket pocket. I love the pop of lime green with the black and white!

In between working on the bag and wallet I decided to tackle the closet in my sewing room. It was full of Son's things. I have boxed up the things he wants when I can get them to him, tossed some stuff, have a pile that needs to go into tubs for storage here and some items for donation. 

During the cleaning I found his FFA jacket and shirt. He kept asking about them, wanting them. I hadn't seen them for a while and was sure I had taken them to him already. But he kept telling me he didn't have them. He is notorious for not looking very hard to find something, usually doing a quick scan around himself and saying 'can't find it' so I was convinced that they were at his house and he just hadn't looked for them. Meanwhile I had looked for them. I had gone through every closet and drawer and 'safe spot' I could think of. I was beginning to think they had accidentally been donated or thrown away. I guess I was the one who hadn't looked hard enough. To my relief they were hiding behind some other clothes hanging in the closet. I found them when I started removing all the clothes. His jacket and shirt are now in plain sight, clearly marked. They will go to him the next time I see him.

I bagged up most of the clothes - they were 30+ years old - for donation. I thought the donation boxes around here were open again, but I found out they are still taped up so I have nowhere to go with them for now. I still need to get a few boxes of things not needed for now moved upstairs out of the way, but I got the closet organized. 

My things are now easy to get to and I have more room in the room. The two carts/drawer units are on wheels so they can be moved as needed. Still not the way I want it, but it is better. I'm sure some rearranging will take place until I get it the way it works best for me.

While all this was going on I noticed I had a visitor.

Bold little critter, isn't it?
We used to have several walnut trees on our property. We are down to only one now, but I find walnuts buried in the flower planters and saplings coming up all around the flower gardens. Wonder how that happened!?

Now I am back to working on the Butterfly baby quilt.

Stay safe and well.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

LOVE your Zip Zip Bag - the lime green looks GREAT with the black/white! Good for you on organizing your closet - wish I could say the same - LOL - ;))