Monday, September 2, 2019


It took me most of the day but I got all the apples processed.
Some, a few, were very nice apples.
Some were misshapen, which made them hard to cut up.
Some were buggy, which were even harder to cut up.
It went better than I thought it would. I ended up with a pie. I haven't made a pie in a long time and am out of practice. I couldn't get the top crust to roll well so I cut it into what are suppose the be leaf shapes, although they don't look very leaf-like :) When Husband came in for lunch he saw the pie cooling on the stove and said, "Pie and ice cream for lunch?" So that's what we had along with a ham sandwich that we split. Yum!

And, four future pies.
I mixed the apple slices with sugar, flour and cinnamon and put them into large freezer zip bags. Pressed out as much air as I can and shaped into a pie plate. All that goes into the freezer. Once the apples are frozen I will remove them from the pie plates. They will be just the right shape to place into a pie crust when I am ready to make another pie. 

My mess is cleaned up and I think it is time for a nap!

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