Sunday, March 11, 2018


My husband and I had our weekly Sunday morning 'date'. 
Happy thought - I am so glad that we enjoy each others company enough to make even everyday tasks such as grocery shopping pleasant.  
We ventured to the farm store and the WM store to stock up on needed items. After we were home and I was putting things away I opened a cabinet to find this...
Potatoes sprouting!
I pulled the basket out by the door for better lighting. 
Even the potatoes are ready for spring!

No movement on the ramp.
See what other quilters are up to at Small Quilts and Doll Quilt
What a Hoot Quilts is challenging quilters to finish '18 in 2018'. Check it out.


Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

We also make an outing of grocery shopping esp. Costco. Some of my house plants have also perked up recently. Welcome sights!

Suzanne said...

My husband have dates to the grocery and book store. I had a bag of potatoes sprout last week too.