Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A Finish

I have mailed 25 masks to my SIL to deliver to the hospital where she works.
I have delivered 25 masks to the nursing home where my FIL is a resident.
I am making 25 masks for the hospital where my niece works.
I will make masks until I run out of elastic - 25 yards of it. It's pink, but who cares?!
I will make more if requested.

But over the last few days I took a break from the masks and worked on this UFO.

It is a pattern from Missouri Star Quilt Co. I had the squares in my stash and wanted to try the pattern.
I used a playful kitty border and a cute butterfly backing. I think the quilting design fits it well. I hope some little girl likes it.
I am also distracting myself from all this craziness with these.
We live in the house that Husband's great Aunt and Uncle built. I found Aunt's diaries when we moved in. I had read through them a little. I am going back to her first entry and reading them again.
Lots of day to day stuff - got hair set, went to town, people came over for dinner - but some interesting information in here too - when crops were planted and harvested, yields and prices, building the house, deaths, marriages, births. 

I hope you are staying safe and well.

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