Friday, March 20, 2020

Happy Spring?

The last few days the weather has been cloudy, rainy, windy and now cooler here. There is a forecast of up to an inch of snow for Sunday night. I guess the crocuses didn't hear about that. Or maybe they knew I needed a bright little spot of happiness.
I can see these right out my front door.
The rest of the front bed is greening up, too.

This is a Black-eyed Susan from my brother's prairie. I'm glad to see it coming up.
In my continuing efforts to make my sewing room less cluttered and more organized I came across this beautiful counted cross-stitch piece.
I had not seen it in a very long time and thought I had given it away, which I regretted. I like all the Lavender and Lace Angels, but this is the only one I have attempted. I looked for a link, but found this listed in several places with several names - Angel of Freedom, The Second Angel of Freedom and Christmas Angel of Freedom. I guess if you are interested in the pattern you can google it. It is stitched on 32-count linen which is probably why I quit working on it. This is a big design with lots of color changes and requires concentration. I was working full-time with a two hour commute and had a young special needs child at the time. I just could not find the energy to work on it. It's beautiful and I hope to finish it someday.

I also found another shoe box full of floss.
Oh, boy. I am beginning to think that maybe I need to cut back on my interests - reading, knitting, crochet, card making, counted cross-stitch, quilting. 

Several years ago someone in the area where my parents live closed up a quilt shop. I was gifted lots of fabric. Today I discovered three bolts I had forgotten about. Somehow they had gotten behind a cabinet in the room of lost things upstairs. 
Two are partial bolts, but still have a lot on them. One bolt is still wrapped in plastic. I should be able to get a couple of quilts out of these, don't you think?!

Following along with Pat's calendar - 
Yesterday's challenge was Reboot - get back to working on a project that has been set aside for a while.

Today's challenge was UFO - look through the UFOs and do a status check. Lost interest? Missing anything? Maybe choose one and work on it or if you've lost interest pass it on to someone.

I didn't do either one of these challenges. I was busy with reorganizing/decluttering and finishing up a project.

My state governor has issued a shelter in place order beginning Saturday at 5 pm. We can be out and about to get groceries, prescriptions, medical appointments, food pick-up, gas, walks outside only until April 7.

Hope you are staying well and comfortable.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

LOVE your Angel - and your "found" bolts! "Room of Lost Things" - sounds like my house or Harry Potter - LOL. No - don't give up any of your interests - they keep things from getting boring - ;))