Monday, March 16, 2020

Design Wall

To see what other quilters are up to go to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

I don't really have much to show today. The Coronavirus news is depressing and frightening. Since I have retired Husband and I don't go out much anyway and we are always well stocked with necessary items and food.

Saturday we got this.
Today it is gone, but it has been a gloomy and drizzly all day today.

I am entertaining myself like I usually do, with my fabric and sewing machine. At home I have a nice little setup that works well for me in my sewing area. But, at retreat I am always losing my tools so I made a mat with pockets to go under my machine.
The pockets hold all my stuff  - rotary cutter, small ruler, pencil, seam ripper, scissors with a spot for the thread catcher. My tools will all be right at my fingertips! There is no pattern. I knew what I needed. I measured my machine to see what size to cut the fabrics. Added a batting scrap between the layers for a little padding. I had made the thread catcher several years ago. It is lined with a zip bag to make it easier to dump - threads and scraps just slide right out. I used aquarium tubing in a casing at the top so it would stay open.

I have had fun the last few days getting reacquainted with some of my fabric. I have some pretty fabrics! This photo shows some of the reds and pinks.
I knew I was getting close to having enough blocks for a pink, red, orange Stash Busters Challenge 2020 quilt so I just kept cutting. Most fabrics are used only once. I did have to use a few twice.
I have 120 blocks which will make a decent sized lap quilt, I think. I want to lay it out before I start sewing it together. I'm hoping the colors flow from pink to red to orange. 

Following along with Pat's calendar Thursday's challenge was to sort the little things. I have been working on organizing my sewing room for a while now. Most of the the little things are finding homes.
Some of these little containers I bought, but Husband has become very good at looking at containers in a new way - deli salad, KFC carry-out, DQ ice cream treat containers. Before he throws anything away he asks if I could use it in the sewing room. What a great guy!
This is a re-purposed office organizer that I was using at school. It works great on my big ironing board to hold the little things, same items that I used at school only now they are being used for quilting.

On Friday the challenge was to think about an older UFO. I have a Grandmother's Flower Garden that I have been piecing off and on for at least 25 years. 

I have been taking that with me to Sew Days when I don't feel like bringing my machine. This nice little organizer holds everything I need. I am down to the last 3 or 4 blocks. Then I will repack this with the green diamonds and white path papers and pieces.

Saturday's challenge was to look at your fabric and see if you were short of any color(s). 
There are blacks, whites and grays in the pie safe. I think I am pretty well stocked in all the colors. Of course, that doesn't stop me from adding more! 

Sunday's challenge was 10 Minute Tidy. Spend at least ten, or more, minutes tidying up the work area. I can do that! It's the whole room that needs help. That will take more than ten minutes.

I hope all of you, and your loved ones, are safe and comfortable in this crazy time. 


A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I LOVE reading your blog - it's not ALL doom and gloom like the news lately! You have your things so nicely organized - and your fabric is wonderful! Stay safe!! - ;))

Rebecca Grace said...

10 Minute Tidy sounds like exactly what I need! Can’t cut borders until I clear off my cutting table! So, what is this “pie safe” where you are storing fabric? Is it a Tupperware container or more like a cupboard?