Wednesday, March 18, 2020

My Last Outing

for a while anyway.

Me and three of my friends decided to make one last fabric run today. None of us plan to be out and about much for a while.

So what did I get?
I made this block as a fair entry a couple of years ago. It's been hanging around waiting for me to figure out what to do with it. Today I got the green batik and plan to make a photo album cover. It will be another fair entry!
This little piece will go into the stash for the 365 Challenge. 
Backings except for the light batik. There was just over a yard left on the bolt so I took it all. It will be a great background in a future quilt.
This bundle (actually it is two bundles) was there last time I went. One of my friends bought two, I restrained myself. This time I couldn't resist. I just love the big print. Since each bundle has four 1 yard pieces I decided I better get two - the very LAST two - so I could make a quilt bigger than the pattern makes. That is what my friend did. She says doubled it is a nice size.

Yesterday Pat's calendar challenge was to make her Shamrock block. I think she plans on finishing it into a mug rug.

I didn't do that. It's cute, but I am not into shamrocks, don't use mug rugs and can't think of anyone to gift it to. 
The pattern can be found here.

Today she talked about Patterns. Look through your patterns and pick one that calls to you, one you want to do next. Then gather the fabrics and schedule it on your calendar. 
I did not schedule mine, but the next pattern I want to do is Designer Star.
 It is a free PDF from Anthology Fabrics. I bought a kit from Keepsake Quilting, but I don't see it on their site now.

My efforts to organize must be working. I have a lot of empty containers!
The blue flowered box on the bottom in the stack on the left is full of smaller containers.
I hope to continue working on organizing/decluttering. All of my sewing and retreat days have been cancelled. I have plenty of projects to keep me busy and we are pretty well stocked for supplies and food. 

There are new cases of Covid-19 being reported around us daily, but so far none in my immediate area. I worry about my family. None of them live close-by. Some work in the health care field. My SIL's mother was taken to the hospital today with breathing issues. She lives in an assisted living facility where they have been quarantined to their rooms, but she is high risk with some health issues.

I hope you are safe and comfortable where ever you are.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

That green batik is perfect! Love your other "stash enhancements" especially that large print - and congratulations on all of your empty boxes - ;))