Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Circle of Life Progress


I have completed all four borders.
I am now working on the New York Beauty/Small Star units.

A half circle needs to be appliqued to the Small Star piece.
I didn't know why the half circles needed to be appliqued, but I soon found out. These pieces are so small and curvy that applique is the easiest and nicest looking way to put them together. I know I could stitch the applique by machine, but have decided to do it by hand. I like handwork and these are quick to stitch.

 Then each of those units get sewn to a New York Beauty unit with a strip of black in between.
I have three of these units put together.
I am also removing the papers before stitching these together. 

I remove papers from a Small Star unit and a NYB unit. Hand applique a half circle piece to a Small Star unit. Then stitch the black strip to the Small Star. That piece then gets stitched to a NYB unit. It is nice to change from one task to the next without getting tired/bored from doing one thing. 
I have a ways to go, but it's getting there!

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

It's looking GREAT! I like your sequence - changes it up just enough to keep from getting bored - but moves it along at a nice rate - ;))