Monday, March 23, 2020

Design Wall Monday

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I have spent the last few days pondering about whether or not to make the Face Masks I have been seeing everyone talk about on their blogs, Facebook, etc. My SIL who works at a hospital sent me a link to a post on Facebook with instructions and a pattern, but  she said that her hospital wasn't requesting any at that point. The next day my niece sent me a link from the hospital where she works (different one than the one her mom works at). Her hospital is requesting them for people in non-clinical roles. 
So I started making some even though I am still hearing and seeing conflicting information. I am also hearing that places initially requesting them have received so many that they aren't accepting any more. I truly want to help if it is needed. But, I also don't want to waste my time or materials if these are not needed. So I will make the few I have cut out - nine, I think - and wait to see what happens. I am making child and adult sizes.

EDIT: Before I finished this post my SIL sent me a link that HER hospital is now requesting masks. I cut more, ordered elastic and will get as many made as I can.

These masks are NOT approved as Protective Personal Equipment (PPE). 

There are lots of patterns and tutorials available on-line. If you decide to make some, you should chose what works best for your situation.

In other news - we got snow!
Not a lot, just enough to cover the ground. 
The rabbits didn't seem to mind. This morning they were having a meeting, or maybe it was a sporting event, in my front yard and flower bed. They would face off, jump straight up and over each other, then run like crazy around the yard and under the ramp. 

There were at least four of them. I wasn't able to get all four in a photo at the same time. Those guys are fast! The snow was gone by mid-afternoon.

Before I started sewing masks I made a pillow out of a T-shirt for Son's GF's brother.
Then, I made a couple of doggie bandanas for Son's dog. They are reversible.
I made a beaded counted-cross stitch ornament. This will be a fair entry.
I don't know when I will get back to my projects, but meanwhile I am happy to be doing something that might be helpful in this crazy situation.

Stay safe.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I'm with you on the masks - so much conflicting information - elastic - no elastic - different patterns - all depends on who's asking for them. Your snow is pretty - and I laughed at the rabbits having a meeting or a sporting event - it's hard to tell the difference! Your bandanas and ornament look really good! - Stay safe - ;))