Saturday, November 9, 2019

I changed My Mind

I had an AHA moment and decided I should make a tree door hanger for Son and GF using the same fabric I used for their tree skirt. Then, I decided that one side could be different than the other. So I did a little fussy cutting and ended up with this.
I like the snowmen and neither side screams Christmas to me so I think it could be displayed for a while past Christmas, if they choose to.

Then, I got the backing pieced for the 4-Patch on Point quilt.
I had an extra strip that I pieced into the backing. I think there is enough of the backing fabric left to use it for the binding.

My pile of tops is getting bigger. 
I really want to try to do some quilting practice today using the Ultimate. 
I keep putting it off because I am pretty sure there will be some frustration. I was so excited to get a LONG arm but I am finding that it isn't as easy as some people make it seem. And, this is an old set-up. The guy that rescued it and brought it back to life knew all its quirks and just what to do to make it work well. He has moved so I don't have that resource to help me figure it all out. I need to Just Do It!

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