Saturday, November 16, 2019

Frosty Morning

I am trying to think positive thoughts. 
While waiting for a load of laundry to finish I took a look out my front door. I noticed how pretty the frost looks. It is sunny here today but the front of my house faces west and doesn't get sun until later in the day. I took a photo through the front door.
That doesn't really show how pretty the frost is. I tried zooming in on a couple of areas.
That didn't work very well either.
So I stepped outside for some better shots.
 This honeysuckle is pretty with the frost.
This is one leaf of the honeysuckle bush.
This grass is pretty.
And, these sunflowers - so pretty!

I am busy doing laundry because my FIL needs some clothing for his stay at the nursing home or skilled care facility. Yesterday he made the trip by ambulance from the hospital to the nursing facility near our home. I was elected to be the one to meet him since Husband was in the field and SIL had been dealing with the hospital stuff and needed some rest. He was in good spirits, ate well, was very talkative and seemed to be mostly free of pain. He has a two week wait until they will try again to remove the remaining kidney stone. The doctor decided that because of FIL's age - 95, almost 96 - that the time it was taking to do the procedure might be too much for FIL so he only removed one stone. Meanwhile, he is too weak to stand or walk more than a few steps. I am thankful the doctor insisted that he go to a skilled care facility until then. He was concerned not only for FIL but also the people who would be caring for him at home if FIL were to fall or have medical issues.

Anyway, this morning Husband and I went to get some of his things to take to him. We found clothes that needed laundered and the few other things he requested. We also gathered up the mail and newspapers that Husband had been bringing in since Wednesday. We will deliver all that as soon as the laundry is done. I hope he is feeling as well today as he did last evening.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Thinking positive thoughts right along with you - and you're right - the frost is pretty - ;))