Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Good, and the Not So Good

The good...
Starting to see Monarch caterpillars.

Sorry for the blurry photos. My camera seemed to want to focus on anything except the caterpillar and it was breezy.

Another good...
 Binding progress on this quilt.

I got about half way around before I went to bed.

Another good...
I got this loaded late yesterday afternoon.

Quilting will start today.

The reason the quilting hasn't started yet this morning?

The not so good...
My father-in-law. He is coming for a haircut this morning. I am really struggling with this. I had mentioned that he and husband are barely speaking. It is only getting worse. My husband has no contact with him now except when absolutely necessary. He does chores at FIL's every morning and afternoon. He has stopped going in the house. It saddens me that one person can make people so miserable. Especially the people who are helping him. He is mean, greedy, ungrateful and cares not one wit about anyone except himself. So knowing his behavior with my husband, although I am not directly involved, makes it very hard for me to want to do anything for him. The only reason I am doing this is because I don't want my actions or words to impact my husband in a negative way.

hosting Design Wall Mondays and  
What a Hoot Quilts is challenging quilters to 
finish '18 in 2018'.
Check them out.

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