Sunday, February 24, 2019


It is so windy today that the plants in my bay window are shivering!

This is my first time trying to add a video so I hope it works.

In other news, I am trying to catch a cold. I am tired, sneezy, have a scratchy throat. I don't really feel too bad, mostly tired. 

I am still trying to organize my sewing space. 

I have decided my stash will be easier to use sorted by color. This unit is looking pretty good. I only have three slots left though and the fabrics that are left will need more space than that. 

Every time I think I have each color sorted I remember there is more in another part of the house. 

I really want all the fabric in one room.

On this shelf I will put all the solids together, all the larger yardage together, and what ever else does not fit in the shoe cubbie unit.

It may not look like it but it IS getting better!

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