Sunday, March 3, 2019

What I Want...

is just a pair of jeans.

I find it so hard to find just a pair of jeans. There are so many choices.

Low-rise (or butt-crack), mid-rise, natural waist, etc. 

Skinny (see above), straight, wide (with or without cuffs), boot cut, etc.

Fancy pockets, embroidery, plain, or these... 

What?! Why?!
That is a zipper up the back of those jeans. I cannot imagine that they are comfortable. 
These are just some of the choices. I'm sure there are many more.

And, the lycra and spandex. Ugh.
And, the cost! Double ugh.

I just want a pair of natural waist, straight leg cotton jeans that have NO lycra or spandex that don't cost an arm and a leg or a small fortune.

So I got these.

These are men's jeans from the farm store. The women's jeans were 3 to 6 times the cost of these. The legs are a little wider than I want but that it will be an easy fix to take them in. 

They fit, they are comfortable, 
they are just a pair of jeans.
They are just what I wanted.

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