Monday, October 12, 2020

On My Wall

 To see what other quilters have on their design walls go to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

I am working on several projects. But, I usually don't start sewing until later in the day. This photo may explain why.
I love the light coming in that bay window, but it shines right in my eyes. And sometimes it heats up that part of the room so I wait until later in the day to sit at the machine to piece.

I finished up the five Block 5 blocks for 
Amish with a Twist Two.

Started some six inch Churn Dash blocks.

And started on the Exchange block for this month.

We have had some amazing sunsets lately. Of course, my photos do not do them justice.
This was Friday evening.

This was Saturday evening.

I am frustrated with Blogger again. I can't seem to insert photos the way I did last time. And I can't even find a couple of them. Oh well.

Our Covid friend is improving. 
He is using oxygen a little less now.

Speaking of Covid, we have had a scare closer to home. My son and GF got a call from her sister yesterday morning. She tested positive. She lives with them. Son and GF got tested yesterday morning after that call. They have been told to quarantine for fourteen days. GF and sister can't go to work. My son called this morning. His test came back negative. But, I don't think they are all clear yet. GF and sister spent the entire day together the day before driving to and from visiting their grandmother and sister with a new baby. They were in the car together for several hours. No masks. And, even though sister has been spending a lot of time at her boyfriend's house, she lives with them. They all feel fine, with no symptoms, so far. Sister is staying at the BF's house for now. He has a three-year-old son who was with him over the weekend, plus another roommate. I am nervous about this and won't feel better until they have another negative test. I hope everyone stays negative.

I had an appointment this morning for routine, annual lab work. The satellite clinic I go to has moved to a new location, same town, new practitioners, new staff. There were two people already there when I arrived, both wearing masks. The receptionist had on a mask. There was the normal signing of paperwork. Another person came, not wearing a mask, but did put one on after entering. A couple more people came in, all wearing masks. Small waiting room. It was hard to distance from other people. Thankfully I didn't have to wait long. But, while I was waiting I had a clear view of the receptionist. I am pretty sure the pens were not being sanitized between uses. She pulled her mask down onto her chin a couple of times. She was behind a sliding glass door and did put it back on properly before speaking with patients, but still, that doesn't make me feel like proper sanitary procedures are being followed. Am I being paranoid? Overly cautious? 

Stay safe and well. Wear your mask, wash your hands, social distance.


Robin said...

I love the pictures of your sewing space and the sunlight coming through the windows. Makes me wish I could sew in that room. The pictures of the sunset where the clouds are dividing the sky in half are really intriguing. Very nice. Hope things turn out negative for all involved.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Cute blocks - and scary stuff! I hope everyone tests negative - and I don't think you are being paranoid at all - just cautious - and that's a good thing - ;))