Thursday, October 15, 2020

A little excitement

 around here lately.

Work continues on the hexies.

I made the block for the next Exchange.

Husband has been working away on the corn harvest.

Yesterday morning I had a very disappointing dr. appointment. I had lab work done Monday and was given the results today. Everything looked good. Yay! Everything except my blood pressure and weight. Rats. Lose weight, exercise, and eat better. I kind of expected this. I have been slowly gaining weight over the years. Not a lot, but it adds up. I have not been moving as much since I retired. I think I need a pedal-powered sewing machine! I was told to check my blood pressure every day to see if it comes down. If it doesn't I will have to 'do something' which means medication. I really want to see if I can get this under control without resorting to medication. 

The leaves are turning and falling off the trees.

At the beginning of the week, my yard was pretty covered with leaves. I don't worry about them. I know the wind will carry them off eventually. I was right, they are mostly gone now. It has been very windy here all week. Dangerously windy.

We have had wind advisories and red flag fire warnings for a couple of days. Yesterday in the middle of the afternoon I got a call from Husband telling me to look out the window. Oh, my.

This fire started about three miles west and about half a mile south of us. I watched all afternoon as it traveled a little east and mostly north of us for about four miles.

I watched firetrucks go up and down the road just north of my house all afternoon and into the evening going back to the fire station for loads of water.

This morning I heard that one old corn crib burned. There are no injuries. Some of the crops had been harvested, some have not. Thirteen area fire crews attended this fire. Most are volunteers. Some stayed well into the night to make sure there were no flare-ups.

While all that was going on I decided I better start supper. I opened my spice drawer to find this.
What a mess. So I have spent the better part of today cleaning out this drawer and making new labels for the ones that got chewed up. Then I decided to go ahead and clean out the rest of the drawers and lower cabinets. 

Our Covid friend stopped by the other day. He feels better every day and is very happy to be back to work.

Son and GF (and the sister) continue to feel well. Thank goodness!

Stay safe and well.