Tuesday, February 11, 2020


is sunny, but windy and cold. 
At least the sun is shining! We are suppose to get 4-6 inches of snow starting tomorrow afternoon through Thursday with very cold temps for a few days after that.
Husband has an appointment with the accountant so I have had dates with this...
and this.
I cleaned out the fridge, something I don't dare do when Husband is around. He hates the thought of food being thrown away. Sometimes leftovers get pushed to the back and forgotten and they just need to go. All the trash cans in the house have been taken care of. I scrubbed the bathroom, too.

And then there was this.
 Seems like there is always laundry.

I am about to have a date with this.
I get around, huh?!
I still need to mop the kitchen floor but, I needed a break.

I don't know why, but it is just easier for me to do all these things when Husband isn't in the house. I know I won't be interrupting his TV viewing. The floor won't be wet when he comes in. I can just 'get 'r done' easier when he isn't in the house.

EDIT: Husband came home much earlier than expected so I didn't get the floor mopped or the vacuum run. 

Why is he home so early? Because the accountant doesn't listen. For years his accountant made his appointment for the end of February and the last one of the day because it takes so long. That accountant passed away a few years ago and even though Husband requests late February, end of the day appointments every year the partner just won't do it. Husband doesn't have all the tax forms he needs this early in February and it takes more time than he is scheduled for. Added to that is he is also responsible for the taxes for his mother's estate. So, today they didn't get it all done. The accountant seemed surprised at that. He said he should have scheduled him for later in the day. He was also surprised that Husband didn't have all the tax forms that would be needed. And now Husband has to go back ... in two weeks. At the end of the day. Which is what he had requested to begin with.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Yup - there's always laundry - LOL. Your accountant reminds me of mine - they want my info by 3/1 - but I invariably get a "corrected" 1099 that changes something - and they wind up doing it over - ;))