Monday, November 16, 2020

What I am working on

To see what other quilters are up to go to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

My quilt exchange group met on Saturday at the home of one of our members. We have met there several times now. The first few were outside on her lovely big porch. Everyone wore masks. I felt fairly comfortable doing this. Then the weather got cold. She invited us to meet inside her home. I went to that meeting. It was decided that we would meet every two weeks instead of once a month. Several of the members talked about how they have been going to classes and meeting together to sew in each other's homes. I am not sure how cautious they are being and so I decided I would not attend anymore inside meetings. I did hand off the bag I had to our 'leader' and explained that I just don't feel comfortable meeting inside. She understood. Apparently, some of the other members feel the same way. We are so close to finishing this exchange and everyone just wants to get it done. It was decided that we will meet the next two weeks in the parking lot of the school library where we had our meetings pre-Covid just to exchange bags quickly. We will do this two times to be finished with this exchange. There are currently no plans to start on the next one. We will wait until it is safe again - if that ever happens. I am so sad that I can't get together with my friends safely. I miss them. I miss the creativity, support, and encouragement of all these lovely ladies. I quickly made my block so I would have it done. 

I have sewn more Churn Dash blocks.


I have cut more Churn Dash blocks.

And, I goofed again.

In my defense, my mind has been on my son, his GF, and her sister. All three have tested positive for Covid and are in quarantine. I text and/or talk to them every day. So far Son's only symptom is a slight loss of taste and smell. The girls have had coughs, headaches, loss of taste and smell, but both are improving. Thankfully they had gone grocery shopping a few days before they began to feel unwell. Then their grandmother was going to be in the area so she picked up some over the counter medications that the health department had recommended and some Kleenex since they were running low on those. I, or my parents, will make a grocery run if necessary. The local W-M recently started on-line ordering and pick up so they could always do that, too. The quarantine period for the girls ends tomorrow, then they will both need to test negative to return to work. Son's quarantine will end on the 22nd since he didn't get tested until later. 

Our friend recovering from Covid is still improving. He still has a cough and got retested as a precaution. Negative. He does tire easily but is so much better. 

I have been giving my husband a chuckle every day. 

I decided that I don't really care if my socks match or not since no one but us sees them. And, when I am wearing shoes they don't show. I find that matching socks isn't really something I care about right now.

Stay safe and well. Please, wear a mask.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Your exchange blocks is pretty - and your Churn Dash blocks are, too! I got a chuckle out of your socks - matching them isn't high on my list either - LOL - ;))