Wednesday, November 18, 2020

One thing leads to another...

Needing to cut fabric 

led to installing a light fixture that was taking up space on the cutting table.

Hanging the light fixture 
led to 
cleaning off and under a counter. 
I pulled everything out and cleaned, swept, mopped, and re-organized that area. Some things got thrown away, others moved to a better place.

Moving things to a better place 
led to cleaning out a tub of small scraps and a pile of bigger batting scraps in a corner of the sewing room.

These small scraps are gone. Bigger pieces were measured, labeled, and put in that tub. And, yes I listed the pieces and their size and taped that to the tub.
This corner is better organized. And, yes there is a list of what is in that corner taped to the shelf. 

Those lists save me a lot of time and frustration. I move things when I clean and re-organize and forget where I moved them!

This, of course, led to some fabric viewing. Which led to me pulling a pattern and fabric.

Which led to making a card.

Which led to making another card. 
And, I thought they were so
cute I made one more.

I think this one looks like Santa got shaken and the toys are flying all over the place!

I used Lite Steam-A-Seam 2 to fuse the fabric to the card. Which led to me wondering if I should stitch these down? If so with a straight stitch or buttonhole stitch or another stitch or is the fusing sufficient enough? 

Which led me to think I should probably finish up the Churn Dash blocks

that are cut before I sew the pieces together for the quilt back. 

By the way, the quilt backing has not been cut yet. 

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Hahahaha - some days are like that!! But look at all the stuff you got done instead - ;))