Monday, November 2, 2020

Design Wall Monday

To see what other quilters are up to go to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

Happening around here:

Night farming.

I don't like it when Husband stays out after dark, but this night he was right across the road where I could see him.

There was a beautiful sunset that night.

And a bright Halloween moon 
the next morning.

I am still cutting the fabrics for the 
Crimson Poppy quilt.
This is taking longer than I expected. My large cutting table is in the garage where there is no heat. The temps have dropped here and the wind has been fierce so it is cold out there. My hands get cold after about 20-30 minutes and I have to come in to warm up. We are to have warmer temps this week so I hope to get this part done soon.
I have had a couple of comments about how organized this is. This is not my idea. The pattern instructions recommend doing this. It really helps me know exactly what I am doing.

I am working away on the 
Churn Dash blocks.

I had a little oops! 
And, it wasn't just a matter of that row being sewn on upside down. Oh, no, I had to take that row apart and turn the HSTs.
But now it's fixed. (Same block, different lighting so the color looks off.)
 Some of the fabrics are directional so I am trying to be mindful of that when piecing them.

I have separated my Civil War fabrics into piles by color. I am planning to use each fabric only once, but that may change depending on how many blocks I end up with.
 As each fabric is used it is either put back into that pretty purple box on the right in this photo or into the upended drawers. The blues, browns/tans, and reds are being used in the 365 Challenge so they go back into the drawers. Everything else goes into the box.

Everyone I know continues to be well.
I hope you stay safe and well.


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Whoa - Farming at night!! I helped a friend cut corn at night one time - that was just so strange.... your churn dashs are amazing... and even the poor oopsie block ha ha!!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I agree with Alycia-Quiltygirl - Farming at night!! That would be strange!! I LOVE your Churn Dash blocks - they are so cute and addictive - ;))

chrisknits said...

I love Churn Dash!!! And the fabrics you are using are wonderful.