Monday, March 28, 2016

Spring Break Final Day

This is my last day of Spring Break. I am not ready to go back. I still have things I want to do and I still am not feeling 100%. The meds for this sinus infection are giving me terrible heartburn, intestinal woes and flushing, which feels very much like hot flashes, only more frequent. The eye drops cause by eyes to feel dry and achy. Thankfully, Wednesday is the last day so hopefully those side affects will diminish quickly.

My family made the trip to the sale/auction barn this morning. I got dropped off at the fabric store downtown. I was pretty selective with what I purchase because I really do not need anything.

Starting on the right, some neutrals because I never have enough of those and I use them a lot. Next, are a brown and 3 purples for the Civil War Sampler. I really like the purples and seem to have a hard time finding them. After that are some black/gray/white prints. You know, for that future quilt I have cooking in my head. And, on the left are five pieces that I just had to have. I am seeing tiny barn quilts... or tiny quilts hanging on a line or over a fence... or....

This next week in Kindergarten is Qq week, so I am packing up some quilty things to talk about with the kids.

We talk about colors, shapes, sizes...

Squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, hexagons, diamonds...

We talk able size... some quilts are small for decoration or a table mat, some are bigger for babies or children, some are big enough to cover a bed...

I like to show them this bed size one last. It is well used; the binding is frayed and needs to be replaced, but I love it. It is made from scraps of clothing I made for my son when he was young, and leftovers from other quilt projects. I spread this one out on the floor and let the kids sit around and on it and look for whatever they can find... tractors, cowboys, guitars, letters, works, stars, moons, suns, flowers. My son's name is in the quilting. The kids always enjoy seeing what they can find. And, since it is such a well-worn quilt I don't mind them crawling all over it.

1 comment:

Charlene S said...

Sharing with children is always a joy!