Saturday, September 22, 2012

Frustration Flinging

Fair warning - if you don't want to read about my complaints stop reading now!

I have a love/hate relationship with my job. Now, just to be clear, I am VERY grateful to even have a job. And, for the most part, it has been as perfect a job as I could possibly ask for. The hours and days off match my sons school schedule. I LOVE having summers off! I get to work with children all day. Kindergarten children. They are so funny and so much fun and it is so rewarding to see the growth in them through the year. That's the love part :)
The hate part - I get to work with children. Kindergarten children. All. day. long. I mostly love that part, but some of them push to the very limit of my patience. :( And, so do some of the adults that I get to work with. My work area is a table in the teachers lounge. I don't have a desk of my own. My supplies are in big drawers built in under the counter at the very back of the room. The computer that I use is in that room as well. Often times I cannot get to the computer or my drawers because people are standing in the way, having conversations. That's fine. I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is that they just look at me and keep on talking. I try saying 'excuse me' and inch my way toward the area I need to be in, then wait patiently for them to move. I finally have to break in to their conversation and say 'I need to get ...' whatever I need. The staff also eat their lunches at these tables and I can tell you what they eat by the messes they leave on the tables. Seriously, show a little respect and clean up your mess! I did email the entire staff yesterday requesting that they do that because it is my work area. It is also the work area of anyone - ESL teachers, speech therapists, etc., visiting our building. I am concerned that I may have offended someone, but I did try to word the email nicely. I just wonder what their own homes look like.

I hate cell phones. Again, I am very grateful to have one. I am grateful that my son has one just in case he has an emergency. My husband refuses to use one. But I am not one of those people who is tied to their phone. I recently got a phone I can text with - only because my son thinks he needs to text me. He prefers texting to talking, at least with me. I know sometimes there are situations that don't work well for talking. But, he texts me when I am driving. I don't answer. Besides being illegal to do that, I also happen to think it is unsafe to text while driving. So I get several texts from him before he finally calls. Just wants to know where I am and when I will be home. I cannot leave home for more than a couple of hours without getting a text wanting to know when I will be home. He thinks both of us need to upgrade our phones. He would love to have the latest iPhone. I think $800 is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a phone. I know it can do many wonderful things, but I still think it is crazy. Sorry if I offended anyone. Just my opinion. I don't need a phone that does all that. I have a basic, unlimited talk and text pay-as-you-go plan. That is all I need. I can access the internet if I need to, but it costs extra. I have a separate GPS for directions when needed. I research places I might want to go before I leave home and get directions from Map Quest. I have found that my GPS doesn't always get a signal so I want a back-up plan if that happens. Besides, I like the bigger computer monitor much better than that teeny, tiny phone screen. :)

My son loves the 4-wheeler. I do not. For him it is like a car since he is unable to drive because of his low vision. He parks his wheelchair right next to it and transfer onto the 4-wheeler. Then off he goes, around and around the yard, or the fields once they are harvested. Then, he stops at the ramp by the door and revs the engine. That is my signal that he wants to tell me something or get him something. He cannot ride that thing without stopping several times - or more. Drives me crazy.

I HATE the clutter in my house. My husband has papers and magazines piled on the floor around his chair. The dining table is covered with his stuff. He knows exactly where everything is and can put his hands on whatever he needs. I don't even try to clean anywhere near his stuff. My son has his piles of stuff. And, just to be fair, I have my quilting stuff in the TV room. I do try to keep it organized, but I feel overwhelmed and discouraged by all the stuff. I feel like 'why should I even bother to try to keep the house clean and orderly when I am the only one who seems to care about it'.

OK, enough whining!

I am so grateful that my family has jobs - me, a teacher's aide, my husband a farmer, my son through the school's work program - and are able to buy the things we really need. We have food, clothing and shelter. I know many do not have enough of these things. I am able to do the hobbies I love - quilting and knitting. We may want for material things that really aren't that necessary , but not for the things necessary to live. So, yes, I know that I am very blessed. :)

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I think you need a cupcake! - ;))

But you would probably have to make it yourself - and that just ain't fair! BOB says to forget the "stuff" that isn't yours - and knit/quilt around it - ;))