Tuesday, June 14, 2022

It's HOT

To see what other quilters are up, go to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

I got to spend some time this past week with my quilt friends at a three-day retreat.  We have use of a lovely community building with a great kitchen and lots of room to spread out. 
We lock our belongings in each night and sew all day.

There were lots of projects being worked on. It's so fun the see all the projects laid out on the floor.

We are to have excessive heat for the next couple of days. I have been trying to clean up my flower beds, but I will be inside during these hot days.
Most of this will be gone. As of yesterday, I got a third of this area dug out. These are daylilies. They grow wild in the ditches around here. I don't mind them, but they are taking over this area. There are some perennials in there that I want to save so these have to go. There are several more patches around my house and those will stay.

There are some beautiful things blooming in spite of the heat.

The extra rain we have gotten has been nice.
The apple tree has tiny apples.

The raised bed gardens are doing great this year; the best they have ever done.
Onions and carrots.
Beans and another variety of cucumbers.
Radishes and a cherry tomato.
I am keeping them covered with a mesh-like cover to protect them from the wind. I have left the covers loose around the bottom so pollinators can still get in.

And, the crazy cat is still entertaining us!
Husband discovered a toy hidden in that boot when he went to put it on.
He likes all my quilts.
Usually, when he lies on the back of my chair he has to be touching me somehow.

Stay safe and well.
Happy quilting!


A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Beautiful quilts and beautiful flowers! And Hoppy is adorable - as usual - ;))

loulee said...

Lots of beautiful quilts at your retreat.
Yes, cats can be very entertaining.

Jay said...

How dear that your kitty wants to stay in touch - but on these hot days, UGH! Too warm to snuggle! Our small-ish dog is the same. Wants to curl up in our laps and get comfy, while we're sweltering in this heat. Here in SW Ohio, it's over 90 and the humidity is awful. Weather like this is described as "air you can wear!"