Monday, September 7, 2020

Design Wall Monday

To see what other quilters are up to see Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

I made my block for the latest Quilter's Exchange. 

We are finally able to start meeting again. Our last regularly scheduled meeting was in March, just before schools shut down. We were finally able to meet at our regular location in August. We meet in the conference room at the public library. The library is in a school, between the high school and middle school sections. Once school started back up it was decided that the library would remain open to the public with restrictions. One of those restrictions is that there will be no large groups allowed. So we met on the nice big porch of one of our members. That will continue until the library can lift restrictions or the weather is too cold for outside meetings. 

Also this week, the pink rose bloomed.

Isn't it pretty?

And, how do spiders do that?

See that white line? That is a spider web. Well, not an entire web, but a single strand of whatever it is that spiders manufacture to make webs. I've circled it in the photo below.

Well, I was curious so I googled it. :) Here is how they do it. Here is some more info. Apparently when the strand adheres to something at the other end the spider feels a change in the vibration. Aren't spiders clever?! 

Update on our COVID friend: he is home! but has to use oxygen all the time. One of his sons is staying with him this week. He is supposed to quarantine for 14 days. He sounded good when Husband spoke with him yesterday. He is slowly improving and so happy to be in his own home.

Stay safe and well.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

So glad your exchange group is able to meet again - and that your friend is back home!
Don't like spiders - or snakes - but your rose is beautiful - ;))