Monday, June 20, 2016

Design Wall Monday

It's been a busy week.

I drove my son 3 hours (one way) to meet up with his friends for a summer camp he is working this week. We stopped for breakfast on the way, then some shopping at Scheel's before meeting his friends. On my way back home I stopped at Boline's to pick up some backing and batiks I need to complete a project.

I attended a graduation party for my niece. It was nice to see people I don't see very often. Proud of her for sticking with her education. She works part-time too so she is a busy girl.

Then I spend an afternoon baling hay.

In between all that I am trying to get my yard in shape. The weeds are starting to take over. We had a decent rain earlier in the week and the weeds came out pretty easily. But it has been so hot. I am taking a break from the weeds today.

Sunday is our day to go shopping. We start at the farm store, then to W*l-M##t, then to breakfast. It is usually kind of a lazy day for us since we don't get many of those. I did spread some mulch though. Then we visit my mother-in-law at the nursing home. She was very alert and verbal. She hasn't really spoken more than a few words in a long time. The nurses said she had been chatty all day.

I did work on some quilty things....

... another 6 inch block Fair entry.
The block on the left is one of the 365 Challenge blocks and is regular piecing.
The block on the right is paper pieced and hand appliqued. It can be found at
Quilter's Cache.

I am working on a new quilt for my husband's chair. The one he is currently using is getting pretty worn. He uses it to cover his chair to protect it. I like this scrappy pattern - Scrappity Do Dah - and wanted something that wasn't too light in color. I am using lots of my stash and scraps.

The HST piece on the right is made from left-over cut off triangles. My quilt group shares with save theirs and share them with me at our treats. I keep them by my sewing machine and use them as leaders/enders. Not sure what I will do with them yet, but I have an idea brewing!

To see what other quilters are working on go to Judy's blog.

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Your basket block is so sweet! I've never seen a basket made like yours and really like it.