Monday, February 22, 2016

Stitching while waiting...

I mentioned earlier that my FIL would be needing surgery to repair a hernia. That was on Friday. It went well. He is sore and has some pain, but doing better every day.

While waiting I did some stitching...

This is a kit - Follow the Sun - purchased at Woolkeeper in Oswego, Illinois.

I had purchased a tri-fold stand for 6" x 12" panels and this fits nicely. Now I need to make more panels.

I also completed 2 more blocks for the Civil War Sampler...

I am not sure I like the blue block in the upper right corner, I am not sure about the blue HST in the corners. But I think once it is the quilt it will be fine.

Here are the other blocks.

And, this is the book.

1 comment:

Charlene S said...

With a sampler, the secondary pattern formed by blocks being sewn together is prettier than the block. That blue may just blend with another block. If not, you can always change it then.