Monday, February 15, 2016

Not the day I had planned....

Today did not go at all as planned. If you don't care to read about my little pity party you can skip on down the page.

Today is a non-school day for me; I am a teacher's aide for 3 Kindergarten teachers. It has been too cold to go outside for recess, one of my many duties, and the kids were wound up, to say the least. Add Valentine parties into the mix and by Friday they were all very excited. By the end of the day on Friday I was really looking forward to a long weekend.

I had a great time on Saturday on quilt shop hop with some of my Quilter's Exchange friends. It was cold, but a nice sunny day. Sunday it began to snow mid-morning, as predicted. By evening the snow turned to freezing rain. I had plans for today. Nothing that HAD to be done, but things I had been saving because I knew the weather would not be good.

My father-in-law decide today was the day he needed to go to the ER. I knew it would happen because... well.... because he is stubborn, and he won't take advice from anyone. He has been having recurring issues with a hernia. He has been telling my husband that he has been having pain. We suggested making an appointment with his physician to get it checked out. But, he thought he would be ok.  Well, today he decided that the pain was too much and asked us to take him to the ER. They checked him out and decided it was not an emergency, but were able to get him an appointment this afternoon with the surgeon. We had to wait around for several hours so we had lunch and hung out there, then we went to the appointment. We knew we were early, but they did get him in a little early. I could tell right away that things did not go well when he and my husband came back out to the waiting area. My father-in-law was expecting the surgeon to tell him that surgery could happen TODAY. No, there is a little more too it than that. First, of all, even though he is in pain, it is not an emergency. Second, he needs a physical which will happen tomorrow afternoon. Thirdly, he needs pre-op education bright and early Wednesday morning. Lastly, the surgery will happen on Friday at a time still to be determined.

After discussing this with my father-in-law it was determined that he should not go alone to any of the appointments before the surgery. My husband will rearrange his day tomorrow and take him for the physical. The doctor he will see for that has recently moved to a different building which my FIL did not seem to understand. He is also almost 92 years old and very hard of hearing as well as being unwilling to listen to things he doesn't want to hear.

I will need to request days off for Wednesday and Friday. I hate doing that on such short notice, but it just can't be helped.

I am concerned about his care after the surgery. The doctor today said it will be out-patient and he should only need a little help for a few days. My husband suggested that maybe he needed to be in a nursing facility for a little while but the doctor didn't feel that was necessary. I hope he is right.

And then, there is my son. Spina bifida, vision impairments, learning disabilities. He is attending a state school for visually impaired students that is 3 1/2 hours from where we live. He was two pressure wounds that he has been dealing with for almost 3 years. He is being treated for these at the wound care clinic in the town where he attends school. At his last wound care visit, they gave him an order for a product they want to try to see if it speeds up the healing process. They sent some with him after his last appointment for the health care center to use so he would have some until I could get the order filled. It is not a prescription and so cannot be sent through insurance. It is expensive. My local pharmacy cannot get it. I have spent the rest of today on the phone with the pharmacy, the local home health care, the doctor's office and my son trying to figure out how I can get some and if it is even helping him.

We left the house early this morning and I just realized that I do not know what we will be having for supper.

I am glad I have my quilting to keep me sane! Here is what I have been working on the last few weeks...

I have made some more blocks for the 365 Challenge project.

I am not caught up, but at least I have been making some.

 My Quilter's Exchange group traded bags for our new exchange. Our next meeting is the 27th so I decided I better get that block made.

 The block on the left is the block made by the member of the group. The block on the right is the one I made with her fabrics.

My Mom asked me to make this bed runner for her. I decided I better get busy on it too.


There are 5 blocks. I am currently working on the third one. I am planning to hand quilt this one.

I also made one more block for the Civil War Sampler quilt.

 My friend's birthday is on Valentine's day. Her favorite color is red. I made these kitchen towels for her birthday.

 To see what other quilters are up to go to Judy's page.

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