Monday, August 31, 2020

Design Wall Monday This and That

 To see what other quilters are up to go to Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

Good morning! 

This is what I see out my kitchen window lately.

Those bright sunny sunflowers make me smile. 

But wait... what is that in the distance?

That is a school bus. It is stopped just past the intersection. I don't know why. I noticed last year that this bus was doing that. The drive, who I assume was new last year, turns the corner, drives just a little past it, then stops. Last year I thought it must be a new driver, or new to the route maybe, and hadn't timed things quite right. Students are not supposed to be picked up before a certain time. But it continued all year. And, continues again this year. The bus sits there about 15 minutes, then goes on up the road. Every morning when I see it I am again so thankful I am retired.

Speaking of sunflowers this is looking out and in my back door.
It's like a  jungle of sunflowers!

Ok, on to the design wall.

This quilt, Designer Star, is still on my design wall because I like looking at it. And if I start adding borders it won't fit there anymore. That doesn't mean that I am not working on it though. I have finished the cross blocks for this border...
... and the two different blocks for this border...
... and now I am working on the last pieced border. 
And because there are a lot of those flying geese units (they measure 1 3/4 x 3") and they are a little tedious to make (and I got bored!) I have moved on temporarily to another quilt.

I had the fabrics already cut for this 5 yard quilt, Windmills by The Quilt Factory.
I am using a lovely 5 yard bundle. 
However, once I started sewing and cutting the HST units I realized that the HUGE selvage on two of the fabrics was going to affect the size of the HSTs. I must have noticed this when cutting. I don't remember but there must have not been enough width-wise to remove the selvages. 
In order for the selvage not to show I am having to trim the HSTs to 4" instead of 4 1/2". That means I have to adjust other pieces but it's ok. I will have a slightly smaller quilt but it will work. I thought about adding another border. I even looked on-line to see if the fabric is still available. It is, but I decided to wait until it is pieced to see what size it turns out to be. It may still be ok for a lap or small throw quilt. 

I finished the Fading Charms quilt. 

But, as I was looking it over before folding it up I noticed SEVERAL spots where some of the fabric bled. Grr.

 I was planning to donate this quilt, but now it will stay with me. I don't care so much that the fabric bled. It will still be a warm snuggly quilt, but I don't feel right donating it like this.

My Covid friend is still improving. He sounds better each time Husband talks to him. And, most importantly, he is determined and working very hard to become strong enough to get back into his own home. 

Stay safe and well.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Lovely progress on your quilts!! I had to laugh at "sunflower jungle" - they are so pretty! You're right about the bleeding on the quilt not affecting how comfy it is - but I wouldn't feel good about donating it, either - so enjoy it - it's beautiful! I'm glad your friend is doing better - baby steps - ;))