Monday, August 17, 2020

A finish

To see what other quilters have been up to go to 

 This quilt is finished.

It's cloudy today so the photos don't show the colors as vibrant as they really. It has a few threads to tuck in and then it is ready to be donated.

Next up is Fading Charms.

The tutorial makes a 72 x 72 inch quilt and uses 2 1/2 inch squares. I needed it to be longer so I added a row three squares wide at each end. It gives the length needed and I think it looks fine. I wanted to use up some scraps, which this did, but not nearly as many as I was hoping.

Stay safe and well.


Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

What a wonderful comfort quilt! I love the staggered blocks on the right hand side! Wowza! that's quite a few squares in the second quilt!!!

AnnieO said...

Beautiful comfort quilt, so interesting with the mix of piecing.

That scrap quilt must have busted a lot of scraps--but of course scraps multiply even as you try to use them up :)

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Love both of your quilts - and I agree with AnnieO - every time I try to use up my scraps - I seem to make even more - LOL - ;))