Friday, May 4, 2018

Gratitudes Days 3 and 4

Day 3- What color are you grateful for?
I love all colors. As a quilter I use all colors although I gravitate to bright colors. My favorite color is green. I like all shades of green.
I am sure I like green the best because it is a signal to me that winter is finally over. Everything is turning green - the grass is growing, the trees are budding, new plant starts are poking up out of the ground. A sign that the long, cold winter is over. 
I have been asking "Would You Rather" questions of my kindergarten students. One question was "Would rather not see color, or not hear?" No question at all for me, I would rather not hear than not see color.

Day 4 - What food are you most grateful for?
I am not a picky eater. I like most foods so this is a hard one.
But, this time of year when things are turning green and growing I love seeing this...

Growing asparagus
It grows wild in the ditches around here. My husband refused to eat it but he picks it for me. We transplanted some last year and it is growing!
One of my co-workers surprised me with some origami pieces her 12 year old son made. I think these are awesome!




 Another co-worker made this bird from a candy wrapper!
I have placed them all on my laptop at school. 
They make me smile every time I see them.
What a Hoot Quilts is challenging quilters to finish '18 in 2018'
Check them out.

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