Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What I Am Working On

I've made the trees and the pigs.
Here are the hens and one chick.

Since I am not sure of a layout yet I am not adding more side pieces.
Next up is the barn.

I have also been working on the 365 Challenge.

These are the blocks for March 7-17.

I really had planned to do 2 blocks a day thinking that would help me get caught up. That isn't happening. What I end up doing is working on several in a day and then skip a few days. I guess it really doesn't matter much at this point. I am keeping up with printing each day's pattern so at least I have them when I get around to them.

I have found it is helpful for me to spend a few hours cutting several blocks so they are ready to piece when I have time. For most of the blocks the actual piecing doesn't take that long.

I will go back to work on Thursday for Teacher's Institute day and students return on Friday. I am hoping to have a few minutes every morning to get some piecing done before heading out the door for work. I know, for a while at least, that I will probably not feel like doing much when I get home.
And, my husband has already informed me that there will probably be some hay baling after work in my future. It has rained so much the last week and a half that it has been too wet to get it done this week, which was his plan. Hay season will be over soon and then he will start harvesting corn and soybeans.

I cannot believe the summer is over already. I had a list of things I wanted to get done, but didn't. This happens to me every year so I shouldn't be surprised.

I did get one more quilt shop trip in with my quilt friends. They are all retired and wanted me to have one more day of fun before work started up again. And, we did have fun. We visited 4 quilt shops, 3 I had not been to before, and had a nice lunch. We are such a great group of people. We all get along well and help each other find just the right fabric for our projects. I will miss getting to make a quilt shop trip on the spur of the moment, but I am sure we will make plans for some on some of the long weekends.

Check out what other quilters are doing at Judy's page.

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