Monday, October 8, 2012

Design Wall Monday

Check out what others are doing here.

I don't really have anything on my wall right now, but I did spend today getting T-shirts fused and trimmed. I need to cut the sashing strips next.

I had hoped to get a lot more done this weekend. It was a 4 day weekend for me. Teacher's Institute day on Friday = no work for me and Columbus Day today = no work for me.

But.... Friday I messed around most of the day doing a lot of nothing :)

Saturday was the first day of basketball practice for my son. That amounted to over 3 hours of driving time total and 3 hours of practice, plus about 30 minutes of unloading and loading equipment before and after practice. I did manage to spend a little time at Hobby Lobby. I do NOT need more yarn, or more projects, but notice the price on these. I couldn't pass it up. I really like the BLT scarf I just finished and it worked up so quickly that I am thinking these yarns might work for that pattern.

Sugar 'n Cream will be dishclothes.  Maybe BLT scarves with the rest.

Look at the price! Couldn't resist.

Sunday was the last Swap Meet of this year. Came home with one of these.
This isn't our puppy, but she looks a lot like this one.
Swap Meet Sundays used to be a big deal for my family. Up at 3 am. While my husband did chores and loaded the trailer with whatever we were taking to sale I fixed a cooler with sandwiches and drinks and got my son up and going. We tried to arrive before 5 am when they opened the gates. We usually were done and heading home by noon. Now we just go and look.

Today I did get the shirts fused and trimmed. I had been hoping to get the sashing cut and the top at least partially sewn together. Oh, well.

I did get laundry and some housecleaning done. And some puppy time. :)

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