I have been pretty busy lately so haven't posted in a long while. I also can't seem to remember how to move pictures so I will just tell about each one as it appears! I did not make to top quilt in the picture above. It was made for my son by some wonderful friends in the quilt group I belonged to when my son was born. The star is not strip pieced! The bottom quilt in the above photo was made for my son's FFA Auction. I used a tie-dye looking tan fleece for the backing. The name of this pattern of the quilt below is Road to St. Louis. When I saw it I knew I had to make it. My son was born with spina bifida and vision impairments. We have spent a lot of time on 'the road to St. Louis' going to doctor appointments. It is now quilted and on my bed.

This is my son accepting his trophy. His team took 1st Place in the Midwest Conference Tournament. They have now qualified for Nationals being held in Denver, CO in April. We are all so excited!! He fell on his shoulder, bruising it... again... thus the ice. He is ok. In the phot below he is getting ready to pass the ball to a team mate.
This quilt I quilted for a customer.
I am hand quilting this one for a friend. She has 3 tops that her grandmother made but never got quilted. I like handquilting. I just need more time so I can get it done!
Well, that is all for this time.
Congratulations to your son!!! Wonderful quilts. :)
Nice Road to St Louis! I also like the star quilt that was a gift. Toni
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