To see what other quilters are up to go to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.
I finished quilting the Mystery quilt. It is trimmed waiting for binding which I need to make before I can sew that on. Then, I started hand quilting the vintage quilt.
I loaded it on my quilt machine frame and am standing to quilt. I only quilt for about an hour at a time so it is working fine. I'm just doing cross-hatch stitching in the ditch of the squares. I hope it turns out okay. The squares vary slightly in size, the points are cut off, and a lot of the seam intersections don't match.

And, I am also not quite sure what to do in a situation like the two photos above show. I am running into this at the borders. If I stitch the seam of the squares in the patched blocks the stitching will not go through the intersection of some of the green and white border pieces. If I stitch through the intersections in the border that line of stitching does not line up with the seams in the pieced blocks. I googled antique/vintage quilts online and see that a lot of the stitching lines on those old quilts are not exactly straight, nor do they always go through intersections. So...I guess I will stitch in the ditch with the pieced blocks and have the border stitching fall wherever it falls. I am open to any suggestions/advice.
I have not been getting much sewing or quilting done this week. Well, because, you know, this little guy needs a little bit of attention. What follows next are several photos of the kitten. I put them at the end in case you aren't interested in seeing them. We are very entertained by this little guy! I take many photos every day, mostly to send to my son. He calls daily to see how he is doing.

Husband, a fan of old westerns, has named him Hop-Along, Hoppy for short. He is so cute. I am still keeping a close eye on him. He does use the litter box reliably now. For his safety, we are limiting his access to only three rooms in the house and crating him at night at this time. We noticed the other day that one of his ears is hard and shrinking, probably due to frostbite. It gets smaller by the day. It doesn't seem to be painful though which is good. And, he seems to be adjusting pretty well to his injured foot. I was thinking he might not be able to jump or climb. He is jumping down from short distances, like from the chair to the floor, but is not jumping up. He is however able to climb up short distances, like from the chair seat to the chair back.

I had added three more small plants to my bay window last week before I knew about this kitten. Turns out two of the tree, plus the big Schefflera are toxic to pets. They have all been moved to my sewing room where he can't get to them. but that means I need to figure out a way to protect my fabric, most of which is on an open shelf.
From that chair, Hoppy was able to explore my sewing table.
He seems to appreciate quilts!
And he is so playful! and, he plays with anything and everything.
Before I finished this post he did what I knew he would do. I'm glad I moved those plants.
From the chair to the bay window to the TV stand. Interestingly he sat for a few seconds and seemed to be watching the TV. (I was watching
Laura from Garden Answer on YouTube make a winter wreath.)
I am thankful that he is doing all the things a growing kitten should be doing. He has yet to purr though.
Stay safe and well.
Happy quilting!