Monday, February 8, 2021

Design Wall Monday

 To see what other quilters have on their design walls go to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

I got all the papers cut for Coral Reef and need to cut the fabrics. The space I work at in the TV room is not big enough for that.

But the big cutting table is in the unheated garage and temps have been well below freezing, even falling into negative temps lately. And, the space I work at in the sewing room (used to be Son's room) needed some cleaning/decluttering/rearranging. I had decided to put a bed in their for when people might need to spend the night. Well, we hardly ever have overnight guests. The only one I can think of that will need to spend the night here is Son and that will be when he visits during fair week. So I decided to give myself more room and take the bed down. Husband wondered why it took me so long to decide to do this.
The mattress and box spring are now leaning against the wall so they can easily be laid down on the floor in the rare event that the bed is actually needed. The slats and side rails are nearby in the closet. Years ago Husband worked at a printing plant that went out of business. They allowed the employees to take or buy items that were going disposed of. He was able to bring home a couple of office cubicle walls. They make pretty good design walls. I moved one in to lean against the mattress/box spring and immediately moved the Churn Dash blocks onto it. 
 Now I have more room and a bigger design wall! There are still a lot of things in this room and I try to use every bit of the space well. 

This is the closet filled with projects. But let's face it, this room is just too small! HA. It certainly can't be that I have too much stuff, right?!

Even though I haven't cut any fabric for Coral Reef yet I did get some other things done.
I cut all the fabrics for the 
Quilter's Exchange Mystery.

And, got Week 6 blocks made for the 
Stash Buster Challenge.

I am cutting ahead with this project so I can just pick up a pile and sew. That is handy when Son calls. I put him on speaker and head to the sewing room and stand-up sew while we chat. I pulled fabrics from my stash for this project. Sometimes there isn't enough of a fabric to cut two blocks, like the ones above. Sometimes there is just enough.
This is all that was left after cutting one set. Not much left, but most of these pieces went into the scrap bag for a future scrap quilt.
I also made the yellow block for the 
Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

When moving things around in the sewing room I came across some cross stitch kits. I decided to pull one out to work on when watching TV (like I need another project!).

And, that made me think of another project I wanted to work on - A Year of Celebrations by Hands on Design.
 There is a design for each month. I had finished February and started March (I didn't get the pattern until after the first of the year and just jumped in will-nilly!). But, where was it? It wasn't in the cross stitch kit drawer. It wasn't stuck in any other project tub. I spent the better part of yesterday afternoon thinking and looking and looking and thinking. Where could it be? At one point Husband asked me what I was looking for so I described the bag to him - orange with blue floral print, about this big. 
I turned around and there it was. Then, I remembered that when hung it up there on the corner of the mirror that I would probably forget that I had done that. I was right. It has been there, in plain sight, right where I put it weeks ago.

When cleaning I also came across lots of memories. Things from high school that my mom had sent home with me the last time I saw them - my track shoes, letter jacket, Who's Who books, newspaper clippings, old photos. Most of these memories are specific to me only. I don't know what to do with it all. I know my son won't want most of it and there is no one else that will either.  

I am keeping this though. My dad as a young man. Isn't he handsome? 
And, now he collects rocks from their driveway. He puts them in egg cartons and hands them out to family like they are some kind of treasure. These were given to me a year ago. Dementia sucks.

Stay safe and well.


scraphappy said...

Love the yellow butterfly block. So happy!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Love your new design wall - and all of your projects - so fun! - ;))