Saturday, November 9, 2013

Another disappointment

In my last post I mentioned that I have been knitting scarves. 
I had been seeing fabric yarn in the stores lately. I finally decided to try it. 
This scarf is knit with Yorganza in a black/white design. 
It is a little pricier than the other yarns, but it is pretty. 
And, since it is light weight it would be nice for warmer weather.

 The disappointing part... it has a funny smell. 
I think the smell is from the fabric dye.
I am hoping that goes away. 
I have had it hanging up for about a week know and it does seem better.

I have also been working on another t-shirt quilt. 
I have been asked to make 2 quilts for this family.
This one was started by another quilter who decided not to finish it.
Some of the t-shirts were already cut up ... raggedly. 
Not sure what the plan was, but it was different than how I usually cut the t-shirts.
I have squared them up as best I could and am now trying to come up with a good lay-out.
The customer and I both agreed that black would be a good choice for setting the blocks together.
The blocks in the center - the ones that say 
'Just when you thought it was safe 45
... He's back!!! 45' 
are the front and back of one shirt. I think they should stay together. 
I am trying to decide if they should be framed with red or white. 
Either will work since those colors are in several of the shirts.
The school colors are red, blue and white.

I am working on a lay-out to show the customer before I start cutting any fabric.
The other shirts can all be cut nice and square. 
But, I am wondering if I should make them not square so that quilt is similar to this one. 
I will make a lay-out like that to show the customer and let them decide.

You can also see in that picture a pile of knitting on the back of my rocking chair.
That will be a sweater as soon as I find time to block the pieces.

My photos aren't the best. Something happened along the line somewhere and I can't seem to edit my photos. I just have not had time to mess around and figure out what the problem is.

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